Mary Kent Harrison - 'V.E. Day Richmond' - . 50x69cm.
Signed on the front 'Mary Kent 1945.
Exhibited Richmond Arts Council, 1945?, R.B.A. and N.E.A.C 1945. Sold at the NEAC 1945.
On the label on the back of the painting it is titled 'V. Day, Richmond' though in MKH's record book she notes it as 'V.E. Day, Richmond (big)'.
Published in 'The Studio', February 1948 where it was one of several images accompanying an article on Mary written by Michael Ayrton.
This view of Richmond is the renowned view from The Terrace, looking down on The Thames. This view appears in many of her paintings at this period.
This painting has been included in a book called 'George Orwell - English Rebel' by Robert Colls. Oxford University Press. Published 24th October 2013. It is Plate 17 in the publication.
This painting has been professionally cleaned resulting in delightfully strong colour throughout.
Price : £4000.00
Mary Kent Harrison - 'Snow on the Square- 1941. 24x29cm. Oil paint on board. ..Signed on the front Mary Kent..Exhibited : Bath Society Of Artists 1942.
Leicester Galleriers and R.O.I. 1943.
W.I.A.C. 1945.
Cambridge Drawing Society 1948.
A label on the back describes the location as Mecklenburgh Square, London and the composition seems to have been made looking down from an upper floor window. Painted on board primed with yellow ochre it appears to have been done very quickly perhaps as a sketch for a later painting. The previous image, 'Spring In The Square' would seem to be of the same location. Mecklenburgh Square was Mary and Kent's first marital home together, and Kent kept this painting on the wall above his desk throughout his retirement years. As is often the case with first homes, perhaps there were strong feelings and memories associated with their home at Mecklenburgh Square, and this is likely to have been the view from their window. A letter to MKH dated 2nd February 1940 confirms Mecklenburgh Square as her residence at the time of her one woman exhibition at the Brook Street Galleries, London in February/March 1940. Price £:1,000.00
Mary Kent Harrison - Self Portrait - 1940.. 28x33cm.....Signed on the back Mary Kent Harrison and titled 'Self Portrait'
Painters usually create self portraits quite a few times during their careers but this is the only self portrait she painted. A record of the painting is absent from the book in which Mary noted the creation, exhibition and sale of her work, and it seems the painting was not exhibited during her lifetime. Mary painted many commission portraits along with those of family and friends.
This self portraitwas painted in 1940, the year of her one woman show at The Brook Street Galleries, New Bond Street, London. ...Price £1,500.00